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You need flexibility and a super comfortable way to carry your smartphone and accessories? Than the FLOWBELT and its cool accessory bags are the right thing for you. The FLOWBELT can be worn at the waist or as a sling over your shoulder. Attach a PHONESLINGER Power or Prime and a STUFFBAG and/or the PRIME Pouch to the FLOWBELT, and you're all set for a day out shooting. And - as always - with fast access to your gear and one-handed operation.
FLOWBELT Modular Belt System – Accessories
STUFFBAGfor stuff like keys, sunglases, paper tissus, passport, travel documents etc. Comes with a Quality-Wallet for Money, Credit Cards and SD-Cards
PHONESLINGER Primeto fit up to 5 Smartphone Lenses like the Moment Lenses, Sunglases or a mini tripod like the Manfrotto Pixie